Meet Paskalina Thadeus

Paskalina Thadeus

Paskalina was born on 12th April 1992. She is currently attending secondary school in Rhotia.
Her fathers name is Thadeus, and her mothers name is Regina. Paskalina has four brothers. She has four sisters. Melina is the first. Her oldest sister Lucy has been paralyzed since she was 2 years old.
Paskalina lives with her parents, brothers and sisters in a home about 3.5 km from Rhotia Primary school
The family earns its money from farming only 2 hectors (about 5 acres) where they grow maize, beans, peagon nuts and sometimes wheat.
Paskalina helps on the farm and does some domestic jobs. Since her mother is permanently ill due to epilepsy, the family does not earn much from the farm for food or extra for sale to pay other expenses. Sometime they must get help from the government, relatives or neighbors.
She is doing well in school, and she likes all the subjects. She would like to become a nurse, so that she can help her ailing father and mother.
She would like to do the computer training class because she would like to know more about other people and expand her interest of America and Americans.